Refund Policy
What is your return policy?Buyers are responsible for returning any shirts that are defective in their original packaging and in new condition within 30 days of delivery. You will be refunded 100% for the t shirt. We can only offer a 100% refund or exchange for defective orders or incorrect product received, within 30 days of delivery, because we are a custom print shop and our shirts are made-to-order. If you have wrongly given us your size or if you order a size, receive that size but are not happy with the fit these are not grounds for a return, exchange or refund. Images on shirts are printed a maximum of 11" wide X 15" long on all sizes except Youth sizes and Baby One Pieces, on the front of the shirt only.
We cannot offer refunds or exchanges/replacements on issues that we are not notified about within 30 days of shipping.
Please allow plenty of time when ordering if you need your item for a special event. Issues with USPS/UPS delivery times are beyond our control and a refund cannot be issued based upon USPS/UPS delivery times.
For a more detailed return policy or more information please contact us by email and we will gladly provide you with your options as well as the address to which your items should be returned. Upon receipt, Terri Tees will refund your purchase.